Mixing and mastering your podcast audio is HARD work. That’s probably why you’re reading this in the first place.
In the past, removing background noise, balancing the volume of speakers, removing unwanted frequencies, and achieving a professional sound for your podcast meant you needed to learn audio production from the ground up. You needed to get a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), and learn how to use plugins like equalizers, compressors, spectrograms, and more.
It was a LOT of work.
But now there’s an easier way: Automatically mix and master your podcast in Resound in minutes, using AI.
One more update: If you’re editing a multitrack project, Resound now exports a merged file by default. But if you want to export individual edited tracks you can still do that by clicking “export individual tracks” on the export modal.
Enhance is temporarily free but will be a paid feature in the future. Try it for free today!